The Seigneurial System

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Seigneurial System Upon the formation of Canada many different factors affected how it was formed and what people did. The seigneurial system had been imported from France and introduced to Canada shortly after the colonies of New France were founded (See Appendix). The seigneurial system was a system designed in France as a way of encouraging settlers to come to the colonies without directly involving the government. Since all of the land in the …

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…for the families so that they could have produced! a larger surplus. If the King were to pay for better tools for the farmers, or shipped them in from France, the colony would have had a very wealthy and distinct colony. Anyhow New France did try to survive and what ever happened was the start of the building of a great and peacemaking country in the world today: CANADA!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Text from Our Canada