"The Secretary Chant" by Marge Piercy

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
How would you feel if everyday from 9 to 5 you hear, fix me a cup of coffee, secretary; file these papers, secretary; schedule a meeting, secretary. This chant reminds me of the one that Cinderella's stepmother and sisters where saying when they wanted the house clean and to prevent this young lady from attending the ball to meet her prince charming. Although that story was fictional, Marge Piercy managed to change the tune from a Cinderella's …

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…has its benefits. You learn communication skills and how to better interact with other people, you even develop friendships, because you find out you are not going through this situation alone. Marge Piercy brought out some excellent points throughout this poem, I feel like only a person who has been a position like this, can write a poem like this. And I guess since October 16 has been declared National Secretaries Day, we should be appreciative?