"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A lot of people think that secret lives are good and amusing. However a character in the story, Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, has many unusual thoughts and daydreams that are not real. Mr.Mitty lives with his wife. She is always bossing him around and making him do things that he seems he doesn't want to do. Mitty's daydreams hurt him in both mental and even physical ways. If Mr.Mitty …

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…is doing at the moment so he could get hurt and/or hurt others. They also prevent him form dealing with real life problems. Mitty's daydreams are a good getaway for him, but they are only good for a couple of minutes and after that he is back in a real life that isn't interesting or pleasant to him. Maybe secret lives and fantasy worlds such as Mr.Mitty's are not so good after all.