The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Identity Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty James Thurber The Secret Life of Walter Mitty takes us through Walters mind as he daydreams about adventures he only dreams of enchanting. His wife, Mrs. Mitty, is an assertive woman who runs Walter's life. Walter has no anterior identity other than what Mrs. Mitty will allow. Walter daydreams of being in other situations to escape the shrew he somehow winded up with. Dreams such as a pilot in …

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…feel bad for him because he has no say in his life and he acts as if he has no control of it. James Thurber, author of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, wanted women to seize power and to bring down the testosterone level in the world. He saw women as mother figures and not as partners. This might have had something to do with the perspective given when he wrote about Walter Mitty.