The Second American war for independance.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Second War of American Independence The War of 1812 was a small-scale war with less than 6,000 Americans killed or wounded. This did not however, mean that it was unimportant, because it showed that America would fight back when it thought it had been wronged. Charles Beard called the War of 1812 the second war of American independence because of the huge effects that it had on the American people, government and economy. The effect that the …

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…land and by farming support themselves, and contribute to the national economy. The War of 1812 could easily be called a Second War of Independence because of the dramatic and monumental changes in the government, economy and the American people. The Nationalism and Patriotism that were outcomes of this war served to unify the country as one and to help the country forget about its problems for the time being and just live together in peace.