The Searchers: Native savage imagery...truth or exaggeration

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The savage persona, the war paint, the feathers and the beating drums are just some of the stereotypical images and attributes associated with Native American culture. The casting of Native Americans into villainous roles of early film and television has perpetuated a false perception of Native Americans that is still tied to their culture today. For centuries, Native Americans have been defined by stereotypical perceptions of Indian culture. These preconceived notions of Native culture are …

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…flaws, but in the form of powerful obstacles for him to overcome before he can pass through his hell and emerge, cleansed and reborn, into the light. When Ethan takes Debbie into his arms and takes her home. Ford shows that no matter how grounded people are in their beliefs and their culture, there is always hope for them to open up their hearts and their minds to others, no matter how different they are.