The Science behind Swimming. Assignment was to analyze and explain in an essay what allows humans to swim.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Imagine selecting a hundred random people who do not know how to stay afloat and placing them on a deep pool. Most would expect the fat and heavy to sink while the fit stay afloat. The heavier rock, after all, does sink faster than a lighter one. But in reality, the fit and muscular group would be struggling just to keep their nose out of the water while the obese and heavy are comfortably afloat. …

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…They can be as competitive as the gym jockeys because they find it just as difficult, if not easier, while staying afloat. The properties of water allow most animals, heavy or light, to swim. They allow huge structures like ships and huge animals like the elephant to swim without much concern. Without muscle, you can't move; without fat, you can't float; and without water (both in the body and in the pool), you can't swim.