"The Scarlett Letter" Analysis

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > North American
They're like ghosts haunting you, your every action, and every decision. They haunt you and eat away at you soul. What are they? They're secrets. Not just your ordinary everyday ones but huge, humiliating, disgraceful, and sinful secrets. They are so shameful they put a brand on you for everyone to see but for no one to know why. We all have our secrets, much like the highly respected Reverend Dimmesdale and Hester had theirs, …

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…we lie to ourselves just to please others views and judgments? Nay to thee! People can do and say what they want to about you but really should you care, seeing as they really don't know a whole lot abut you? You don't need to put on a mask to please some nameless face. Being true to yourself is the core of happiness, add in some love and you couldn't wish for a better life.