The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible - Comparison of Proctor and Dimmesdale.

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The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible - Comparison of Proctor and Dimmesdale The decisions made by the character John Proctor, in The Crucible, and by Arthur Dimmesdale, in The Scarlet Letter, were very much alike. Throughout the entirety of both books, the similarities and differences between these two male characters, and the environments in which they lived, seemed to reflect back and forth quite generously. Also, the societies in which John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale …

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…societies in which these two men live in are also quite alike, yet they do have their differences. Even though these two men, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale and John Proctor, the actions they make, and the societies they live in are quite similar, they are in fact quite different and unique. Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "The Scarlet Letter." Four American Novels. New York: Harcourt, 1959. Ward, Selena. "The Scarlet Letter: Characters." SparkNotes. 2003. 26 Oct. 2003.