The Scarlet Ibis--Symbolism and Theme Review

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Essay Database > Literature
(NOTE: This essay is EXTREMELY opinionated and fairly brief. If you don't share the same views of the story, you obviously should NOT use this essay. Also, if there are any typos, I apologize. This was written as a thought stream, and I tried to catch as many typos as I could. I don't have spellcheck, by the way. Enjoy!) The Scarlet Ibis The main character is...who? Doodle or the narrator? Doodle. He changes …

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…bedecked in flowers, or just being happy) and they don't feel the need to impress. Old Woman Swamp is something they aspire to, I think. They practically idolize the place. It is part of them both. It has rubber grass...Doodle spent the entirety of his infancy on a rubber sheet. Coincidence? I think not. Doodle wants to live in Old Woman Swamp...forever. So...Baby=Rubber Sheet, and Life=Rubber Grass, just to clarify.