The San Fermin Festival and the Running of the Bulls

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The San Fermin Festival and the Running of the Bulls The San Fermin festival in Pamplona, Spain, has been celebrated for centuries. The festival honors San Fermin. The festival itself is exciting, however, the focal point of the festival is the running of the bulls. San Fermin was the son of a local patriarch of Pamplona in the third century A.D. ( One day a French bishop named Saturnino came to preach …

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…patron saints. However, the running of the bulls in Pamplona is the most famous due to the media coverage and the large number of participants ( The running of the bulls is a dangerous, but thrilling experience. Thousands of people put their life on the line for less than an hour of fun. The notion of running in front of bulls must possess some type of allure because the participants come in droves.