The Salem Witchcraft Scare.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Salem Witchcraft Scare The Salem witch trials of the seventeenth century was interrupted in many different ways including the opinion of Carla Gardina Pestana in which she writes and believes that the executions where not solely based on the fact of witchcraft itself but also based on the importance of economic and political clause. She also believes in fact and support of other authors that it is also based on the gender, character and …

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…within their community. Nevertheless the social status, religion, gender, economic statue of your family was the determine factor on whether or not you were laid blame on. Lastly I agree with opinion of Mrs.Pestana in this article because she not only proves that these convictions were mostly done out of vindictive reasons but in today's society people aren't always given a fair trial and the judicial system is still influenced by the same factors.