The Sacco-Vanzetti Trial

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Essay Database > History
Sacco-Vanzetti Trial <Tab/>On April 15, 1920 at three in the afternoon a paymaster and his guard were gunned down. Fredrick Parmenter and Alessandro Berardelli were carrying the payroll for a shoe factory through the streets of South Braintree, Massachusetts. The payroll was worth $15,776. Two men standing in the street suddenly drew guns from their dark apparel and shot down the payroll officers. The two men then grabbed the cash and swiftly escaped …

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…lt;Tab/>Whether or not Sacco and Vanzetti were innocent they felt they had done something more with their lives than they could have if they weren't accused of the crime. They were executed on the 23 of August in 1927. They were remembered by who they wanted to be remembered by and forgotten by those who were prejudice towards them and there lives, they made their point and that's all that mattered to them.