The Rwandan Genocide

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sacrifice as Terror is witnessed from an anthropologist's perspective. This book, by Christopher C. Taylor, attempts to find reasoning for such a horrible consequence of genocide. He struggles to interpret the meaning of terror in another cultures eyes. What grounds could lead a culture to the genocide of another, especially two that are so relatively close? Taylor challenges this question by writing on his experiences during his two-year visit to (1993-1994) Rwanda. Genocide is not …

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…beyond my scope of my cultural reality. Never could I fathom the thought that such horrific things were occurring in the world, nonetheless so recent. The reason why I had personal gratification in reading this book is that it taught me something new about another culture. It also recapped the fact that various cultures have different meanings for the same word. What do we define as terror? To a Hutu it may be the opposite.