The Roots of Progressivism: Grangers, Mugwumps, and the Indu

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Roots of Progressivism: Grangers, Mugwumps, and the Industrialization/Feminization of American Culture As a kick off, I will use the Grangers to talk about farmers dissatisfaction with railroads and the economic consequences of industrialization and the Mugwumps to discuss dissatisfaction with party politics among the middle class. Then I?ll talk about Ann Douglass?s provocative argument that during the middle half of the nineteenth century a sentimentalized Protestantism propagated by middle class ?ministers …

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…Wilson?s New Freedom and tell the story of the 1912 election as a way of demonstrating the different possibilities of progressive politics contrasting the positions of Taft, Roosevelt, Debs and Wilson and argue that Wilson won because he was able to form a coalition of both kinds of progressives, regional and transnational. Finally, we would glance at the amendments to the constitution passed during the progressive era as evidence of the impact of its politics.