The Rookie

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The Rookie Rear end's really sore. What a long ride. Get off the bus--your shoes are untied. You've got your food--a weeks supply. Water bottle leaks-soaks your thigh. Coaches pep talk-Seniors say: "nothing new." You're starting to get nervous--you're turning blue Warm-up rounds-don't want to get cold. "We've done this before--Man this is old!" Sit down after warm-up--relax and unwind. You have a half-hour till racetime--truly unkind. Stretch out your muscles-avoid a pull. Then head …

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…Times like this you wish you were dead. Your muscles are tired, sore, weary, and weak. But you can't slow now, you've got a goal to seek. 400 meters to go. Your goal is not far away. You sprint like a gazelle after its prey. 200...100...50-meters to go. Despite how feel, you're not going to slow. You cross the finish line, and get off your feet. "Hey, Coach," you ask. "When's the next meet?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**