The Roman god Mars

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
MARS Inferior ministers, for Mars, repair His broken axletrees and blunted war, And send him forth again with furbish'd arms To wake the lazy war with trumpets' loud alarms -- the Iliad, block 8 Mars was the Roman god of war. He started off as the god of spring, youth, cattle, and nature. When the Romans came into contact with the Greeks, he became the god of death and eventually war. Mars was said to be …

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…the original new year's day; three festivals for cavalry exercise; the Quinquartia, the festival of Mars; the Tubilustrium, to prepare trumpets; and the Armilustrium, to stow away the arms for the winter. Mars was portrayed as a warrior in full battle array, complete with crested helm and shining tower shield. Mars was one of the most important deities of Rome; his popularity sometimes surpassed even that of Jupiter, the king of all gods. -Deranged Hydralisk