The Role of the American Soldier: A short, patriotic essay about the role of the common American soldier in today's world.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
We live in a very conflicted world today. Billions of people live in poverty, and war is a reality for everyone. However, there is still hope for freedom and a decent quality of life for all people. The American soldiers are the people responsible for protecting and promoting these ideals. While they don't make the executive military decisions, it's their loyalty and dedication towards spreading and protecting democracy and freedom that gives them the ability …

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…but instead to a whole group of people, the common American soldiers. I understand why they made that decision. The American soldiers are dedicated to protecting America and making the world a better place. They believe so strongly in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that they will die fighting for these ideals. This dedication to their country and beliefs allows them to play a key role in making a better future for humanity.