The Role of Suicide in Hamlet Prince of Denmark ( Author- William Shakespeare)

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The Shakespearean play Hamlet is viewed by the general public as being the ultimate tragedy. No key to understanding the play exists, so viwers are left to interpret Hamlet as they wish. A few of these various themes include certainty, revenge, madness, and sanity. Yet, the most improtant in Hamlet is the idea of suicide. The role suicide plays in Hamlet, is the deciding factor for many people's final opinion of the play. In addition, …

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…to be" soliloquy is introduced. Hamlet feels that all humans are scared of death. Life after death is unknown to all. Overall, William SHakespeare's Hamlet is the perfect play for exploring the idea of suicide. Throughout the play Hamlet questions his own death, and whether or not suicdie is morally wrong. The final conclusion is an eternity in hell. The subject of suicide is sensitive in Hamet, but is the essence that completes the play.