The Role of Language

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
American society is not a homogeneous society in respect to races, religions and languages. It is a country of many immigrants who are still coming to America from all over the world. Many immigrants have been coming to the U.S.A from non-English speaking countries such as Mexico, China, Russia, Japan, Puerto Rico and many other countries. It is understandable why these immigrants in the beginning choose their place of residence in the U.…

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…English since they can survive in their community speaking their own language. While there are some who's English sounds perfect for the region or state. How English language is used, might nowadays, determines people's socioeconomic group, color, ethnicity, gender, education, and status. People also use language to distinguish themselves from others. The language usage thus plays a significant role in people's life in the modern American society and indeed determines people's success and life styles.