The Role of Black Greek Letter Organizations as a source of progressive social change or for maintenance of the status quo

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The National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. (NPHC) is a combination of the nine largest historically African American Greek fraternities and sororities. They are currently representing over a million members internationally. Their mission is to overlook the actions and conduct of the fraternities and sororities. They also acted as a mediator for problems concerning the interest of the organizations." The NPHC is proud of its diverse membership of students, celebrities, corporate, political and community leaders. Its affiliate …

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…perform the minimum amount of community service necessary to maintain their chapter on campus. Have the fraternities and sororities out lasted their need? To this, I would say no. There are always exceptions to the rule and when a need raises fraternities and sororities may spark the next social movement. They just need to reevaluate their purpose on the campuses across the country and use their collective power to continue the fight for equality worldwide.