"The Roaring Twenties" was more superficial than substantial. Discuss.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
"The Roaring Twenties" is the label for the decade after the ending of the First World War. In this decade United States (US) was transformed into an economic giant creating the world's first consumer market. In this "Age of the Excess", as writer F. Scott Fitzgerald calls it, the people of the US were lucky to have found themselves in that period but not all shared in the prosperity. In this essay I shall examine …

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…not "the roaring twenties" in its entirety as not all shared the affluence and wealth present in this decade due to discrimination, greediness and Republican non interventionist policies. On the whole, the statement "the rich got richer while the poor got poorer" best explains the situation as while America as a whole prospered because of the strength of the millionaires many Americans such as the ethnic groups, the poor and the workers did not prosper.