The Roaring Twenties a Time of Injustice

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Roaring Twenties: a Time of Injustice The "Roaring Twenties" was the age that was supposed to have been a blast when people were becoming free-willed. The real scoop is the 1920's were a time of injustice and murder. It was a time that sent our great country into debt. There were many unjust killings in the 1920's. At the Cook County Jail in Chicago, a criminal was hanged in front of 200 prisoners.1 This trial …

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…stock market. Also, many people went into debt because of easy credit. The "Roaring Twenties" may have been a great time for many people. It is true that many new things were coming along in the 1920's. In 1929, scientists started experimenting with color television.10 However, nearly no one thought of what the consequences would be. It put our country into an economical crisis. It hurt our country in a way that will never be forgotten.