The Roaring Twenties

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Essay Database > History
1920s Social Trends "The Roaring Twenties" The 1920s have been dubbed everything from 'The Roaring Twenties" and The Era of Wonderful Nonsense" To The Decade of the Dollar" and The period of the Psyche" to the " Dry Decade" and the age of Alcohol and the Al Capone." Many historians regard the years between World War I and the stock- market crash of 1929 as the culmination of a long process of social change, which Frederick Lewis …

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…the Trianon and Aragon in Chicago, the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles-catered to the dressy set and offered safe setting for young man and women to meet without chaperons. Fads Mass communication through radio and syndicated news columns enable new pastimes to catch on as fads quickly in the 1920s, and the decade has been called "fad crazy" Flamboyant 1920s fads included flagpole sitting, goldfish swallowing, dance marathons, crossword puzzles, mah-jongg, and the Self- improvement.