The Road to Political Unity

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Essay Database > History
When the thirteen colonies began the road to the revolution their political unity was weak. However, as Britain began to enforce more laws and taxes on the colonists, their unity became strong as they fought for their independence. The growth of political unity began with the Albany Congress of 1754. Their main purpose was to achieve a stronger unity between the colonies and reinforce the common defense against France. Ben Franklin's well-devised scheme, adopted by the …

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…the most influential documents ever written. Even George Washington used it to keep his troops together during the harsh winter at Valley Forge. "Common Sense" helped to finally unite the Americans together. The political unity of the colonists was weak at the beginning when the Albany Congress met in 1754. As Britain began to tighten the reigns on the colonies through taxes and laws, the Americans anger and resentment toward England helped to bring them together.