The Rise of Nazism in Germany

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Essay Database > History
In 1918, after the hopeless surrender of Germany, the armistice of World War One was signed. The surge of German nationalism, build up over the war, was crushed at their desperate submission to the allies. The next 14 years would mean economic, social, and political depression for Germany. By 1932 the German people were desperate for someone, a leader, to take control, to take responsibility for them, and to help them rebuild the country they had such a …

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…Poland. This was the final straw. On September 1, 1939, World War Two had begun. The situation in Germany between 1918-1932 was so weak and unstable that Adolf Hitler, a fascist and a dictator, was able to come to power. Through promises of political, economic, and social improvements in Germany, Hitler and the Nazi party were voted as the leaders of Germany. This began the years of nazi attrocities and terror that would plague the world until 1945.