The Ring's poster (Narrative image)

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Assignment-2 Today, cinema is one of the biggest industries in the world. People spends great money to this industry and also they earn great money from this industry. Cinema always draws large audiences to the theaters. No matter what is the name of the film there is a potential audience for every film. Because of that cinema become one of the biggest industries in the world. People can go to cinema regardless of what film …

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…We don't know what will happen on the movie exactly, but again this is a part of the enigma, creator of the narrative image, don't want us to know everything about the movie. He wants to keep the misery of the film also in the narrative image. This narrative image is not informative but effective. REFERENCES Ellis, John. Visible Fictions, ch.7: "Broadcast TV as Cultural Form" Barthes, Roland. Introduction to Structural Analysis of the Narrative