The Right Way To Write

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The Right Way To Write" Two essays have chosen different paths to show how to correctly write. Peter Elbow's essay "Freewriting" is almost the exact opposite of Donald Murray's essay 'The Maker's Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript", yet how can they both claim that their way is the best way to use when writing. In today's world neither one seems to be very practical unless you are an author or someone with a lot of …

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…based on a solid framework of logic, argument, narrative, or motivation which runs through the entire piece of writing and holds it together" (Murray 88). Editing is a way to get rid of the useless words, sentences, paragraphs, and even ideas. Progress is made with each edit of a paper, it becomes one step closer to being finished After the clutter is sorted out the solid framework becomes apparent, and the paper becomes quality. Bibliography none