The Ridiculing of Fat People.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Fat people suffer discrimination from all aspects of life. According to America Obesity Association, approximately 196 million adults in U.S are overweight. This could probably mean that about two thirds of the American population has gone through some sort of humiliation or made fun of by other people for being overweight. There are many stereotypes about fat people that are negative and not entirely true. This includes stereotypes that fat people are greedy, lazy, stupid, …

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…fun of them is entirely inaccurate. Not only does constant teasing hurt the feelings of fat people, but it also lowers their self-esteem and confidence. In addition to that, it is a contributing factor to the increase in eating disorder in this country because no human with self-respect would want to be teased all their life. Thus the time has come to stop ridiculing fat people in movies, television or anywhere else in our society.