The Reunion Critique

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Critique: "Reunion" In Andre Dubus's short story, "Reunion," the author introduces a character that shows more interest in fighting with others than noticing his son who he has not seen for years. Trying to find a nice place to sit and talk, the father gives all his attention to the waiters demanding better service and more drinks in an ill-mannered approach. It almost seems as if the father is making an effort to start trouble. …

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…place to visit at, and while the three restaurants they attempted to dine at may have been nice restaurants, each attempt at a nice visit at a restaurant was worse than the other and finally the son gave up and told his father he needed to get on his train. The father was inconsiderate, self-centered and cantankerous and started fights in each of them; the son's visit with his father was unpleasant and possibly regretful.