The Return Home

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
An individual's hometown is one of the most important ties that a person can have. Memories of all sorts can be placed in the area that someone had grown up in. However, changes occur, and being absent for a period of time helps the individual realize these changes. William Wordsworth displays this realization in the sonnets, "Composed Upon a Westminster Bridge" and "London, 1802." "Westminster Bridge" reveals Wordsworth's feeling of leaving his hometown of London. In …

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…advice that I should never try to move back home, because it'll never be the same as before I left. I would have to agree with them. The awkwardness would be overwhelming since they would try to control me as if I were still dependent on them. So, all-in-all, it's pretty safe to say that I'm content being here by myself and having my parents at a safe distance away from where I live now.