The Renaissance Period

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Introduction The Renaissance period spans roughly from 1450-1600CE, and encompasses a style of music evolved from the Medieval era. Renaissance music emanated from Europe, and nearly all of it from Italy, Holland and England. The main movement was, although much music for the church was written, secular. The style, structure, composers and instruments were different and all helped turn from the Medieval period to the Renaissance. The Structure and Style of Renaissance Music In …

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…the virginals. He was eventually driven out of England with charges of adultery and he found employment as an instrument builder in the Netherlands. Bull died in 1628. He was buried at Antwerp Cathedral, where he had previously been organist. Most of his surviving compositions are dance pieces for the keyboard but he also wrote a set of 120 canons for keyboard, which are regarded as some of the finest examples of canonic writing of the era.