The Religion of Jainism

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Religion of Jainism Jainism is an Indian religion. This religion has its historical origins in the same region of northern India as Buddhism. Jina or Victor who is the leader of the movement was a "contemporary of the Buddha" (Smart 277). The teachings of Jainism were transmitted orally. The Jain religion split into two sects one being the Digamabaras and the other being the Svetambaras. The Digambaras sect is also known as the 'Sky Clad' …

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…The third is to not take anything that is not given. They are not to take anything whether they are in a village or in the woods. The forth being to give up all sexual pleasures with either gods men or animals. Finally the fifth vow is to renounce all attachments whether they be big or small (289). These are the main vows for the monks and nuns to live by in the religion of Jainism.