The Relationship of the American TV Family versus the real life

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Comparison of the TV family to the everyday real life family can take many avenues to explore, but I'll try to keep it as basic as possible. First I'll break down the animated TV family "The Simpsons", and then I'll break down a real life middle class family that I know all to well. Introduction I. The Simpsons; Father, Mother and three children. The various daily problems they encounter in their middle class suburban …

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…everyone else has, Nikes, jnco's, the latest CD's and anything else that's hip. Don't get me wrong they have their good qualities it usually surfaces in a one on one situation. That's when you realize the type of hopes, dreams, and ambitions they harbor. All in all some of the best kids to be around, until all three decide to gang up on you and you have to resort to your wits and will power.