"The Red Convertible" by Louse Erdrich.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
When a reader hears the title, "The Red Convertible", he/she thinks; summer, road trips, and driving fast on the open roads. However, this is the story about a man that is mentally damaged by the events of the war, and also how it effects his whole family. Henry was a happy, loving, and sane man before being drafted, but when he came back he was a completely different person. The war effected Henry in …

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…were presented as a result of the war were too much for Henry to handle, therefore Henry was forced to take his life. The war isn't always over when the fighting stops, it takes longer for the mind to heal then the body. Henry's mind was damaged which left him unable to continue his life in society. "The Red Convertible" is accurate account of what happens to a person when put through a tramatizing event.