The Red Convertible

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The Red Convertible"?A Connection Between Brothers The problematic moment in the short story, "The Red Convertible", by Louise Erdrich, is the death of the older brother, Henry Jr., by suicide. It is clear to see the dramatic change that he undergoes after the war and there are many events that foreshadow his death?when his boots fill up with water. The main character in the story is Lyman Lamartine, the lucky younger brother. He …

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…mentioned earlier, Lyman very lucky in more ways than one. Lyman also knows that his brother loved the red convertible, and it may have been the only way for him to show his brother how much he loves him. Perhaps, he thinks that even in death the red convertible can take him anywhere he wants to go?even back to the good old days with his little brother, when all was right with the world.