The Realism of Authur Miller

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Author Millers dramatic plays inflect a social realism as the personal or general character of an individual relates to society, a social consciousness. Author Millers plays reflect a social realism in the way the individual relates to society. The methods he uses in experimentation result it a social consciousness and social responsibility. The social reality of the individual consciousness and the consequences as in "All my Sons" and the effect that one lie had on …

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…rather than action. Although, Miller tries to show the importance of ordinary people, other methods used seem mechanical or contrived. A View From the Bridge is about the relationship of a group of immigrants betrayal and personal guilt. In all 5 plays, there is a dramatic pattern of this individual conciousness and "social conception of human brotherhood" The tragedy in losing the meaning of life, or in the desire to have meaning, destroy themselves or others.