The Real Gangs Of New York

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Gangs of New YorkThe movie I chose was The Gangs of New York .The movie is about all the immigrants and the native Americans that did not get along. "Four of the main characters: William "Bill the Butcher" Cutting), Boss Tweed, Happy Jack (John C. Reilly), and Monk McGinn were based on actual people but they existed in different time frames. William Cutting was based on William Poole "Bill the Butcher", a real butcher …

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…at night. In the movie there were a lot of different types of gangs but mostly they were either native Americans or nonnative American. Back in the days there was a lot of gangs just like in the movie . They would join gangs to have so kind of security against any enemy they might have. The five points was a real place just like the movie were all the poor people lives in very crowded