The Raping of the Working Class

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In the brutal and near forgotten times of the Neanderthal, the strong have ruled the weak. Even today in the animal world, the stronger species dominates the lesser, within the same species this hierarchy can also be found with the exception of humans of course, or maybe not. In this land where freedom and equality are touted around like a new father would his first born son, an infection has set in. This infection is …

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…leaders to introduce laws to help the working class and to fill some of the tax loop-holes that corporations use. In a more level playing field, everyone would benefit from the stable economic conditions it creates. With global war becoming less of a threat this country needs to strive to be an economic superpower in addition to a military power. By doing this, America would prosper and again become the great nation it once was.