The Race to Space

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Space, the last frontier, was possibly the most challenging of all to penetrate. Ironically, the penetration of this frontier came about through a period of political strife known as the Cold War. The Cold War was a time of great political tension and struggle, which followed World War II; it was a time when the world was divided by political beliefs and policies. Continents, nations, and even families were divided by political ideologies. This was …

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…hailed the victors. And now that the ultimate scientific achievement of the space race had been realized and the moon had been made a much closer neighbor of the earth, a whole new world of possibilities for research and development opened up for scientists everywhere. After all, now that man had landed on the moon, and the last frontier did not look quite so impossibly out of reach, who knew what humanity could do next?