"The Quiet American" and "Bloods" and the style of american warfare used in both.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Quiet American and Bloods are two different accounts of the Vietnam War in various stages of the wars development. Both portray a different approach to warfare by diverse types of American people. The contrast in the cultural backgrounds of the main characters of each book dramatically changes the way in which the Vietnamese soldiers view them as enemies. The state of American involvement is increased from a covert type in The Quiet American to …

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…are the cultures of the characters and the impact that race and education make on their positions in the Vietnam War. These factors also play a part in how they were considered by the people they were fighting. Race had a huge impact on the way the characters of these two books interrelated with Vietnamese people and their own associates. Works Cited Greene, Graham. The Quiet American. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002 Terry, Wallace. Bloods. New York: Balintine, 1985