"The Quiet American", by Graham Greene: Fowler and Pyle, comparative synopsis.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Throughout the novel "The Quiet American", authored by Graham Greene, a conflict of identity is seen to occur within the narrator and protagonist, Fowler. Due to the complexity of his character, Fowler as a narrator provides a valued yet sometimes flawed insight into the turmoil of his mind. This turmoil is none better displayed through his indecisive nature about whether or not he is similar to Pyle, the naive, inexperienced, and serious American operative working …

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…them took an individual path leading in the opposite direction from the others, yet these differences kept them together. Their different experiences with life each determined how they would be drawn apart in areas such as love, politics, etc. At the conclusion of everything, Fowler's experience with the pain of life ultimately led him to shun away from Pyle's decisions, which were based upon inexperience and therefore a failure to see the mess of life.