The Questions of my Life.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
As we walked along the streets, they were silently glancing around, exchanging meaningful looks. Then they started complaining about how much litter was on the pavements. They pointed at houses, murmuring: "They exclaimed at how many motorbikes there were, and asked how we ever managed without cars. I was still too confused to speak as we turned a corner I wish we had never turned. We suddenly found ourselves surrounded by nearly a dozen beggars, …

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…more from foreigners. What else does the rest of the world know about developing countries, about poverty, about world religions, about peace and war, about discriminations, about environmental pollutions...? Last month, at a career advising workshop, students in my class shared their future plans. Surprisingly, I am the only one who intends to study somewhere so far away as the US. When asked why I replied: "I want to answer the questions of my life".