The Puritan Reformation: Why Cromwell Fails

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Essay Database > History
The Death of Cromwell's Puritan Republic As Charles I oppressed the people of England, especially the Puritans, an opponent emurged on the forefront. Oliver Cromwell, a righteous, Calvinistic representative of parliament, spoke out against the king for the rights of all people and in particular his fellow Puritans. With the aid of a Scottish rebellion and some support from parliament, Cromwell dethroned the king and tried him for treason against the people of England. With …

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…done, but with Calvinism and to a greater extreme. Cromwell had spoken of profoud freedoms and gained support of England against their king. But when he succeeded he then did the reverse of what he had said, repeating the acts of the king to a far greater extent and alienating all of those who supported his fight against the king. Upon his death, the people took control, resulting in the failure of his 'Puritan Republic'.