The Punishment of Wrongdoing in Greek Tragedies, Emphasizing Pentheus, Creon, and Jason

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<Tab/>In Greek tragedies wrongdoing was often severely punished, especially if the wrongdoing involved defying the gods. The gods, being superior to mortals, rarely concerned themselves with mortals except for in occasional acts of lust or acts of vengeance after being defied or angered by a mortal. Mortals who happened to anger the gods faced many misfortunes, but although the punishments of the god were both harsh and severe, they were …

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…while in the end he has no family left and no means of receiving any more money. <Tab/>When the gods to intervene in the affairs of mortals to punish them for impiety, the punishments are always harsh. The gods do not like being disobeyed by mortals who are inferior to them. But, as it turns out, however severe the punishment is, it is always just and always fits the crime.