The Pro's and the Con's of Women Serving in Combat

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Sue Waggoner Professor Keene English 1302 16 September 2003 The Pro's and the Con's of Women Serving in Combat Whether or not women should be allowed in combat is a question that rests in the minds of many Americans today. Although women are allowed to serve in the military they are still not allowed to serve in combat; why is that? Is it because today women are still not viewed as equal adversaries? These days and times, what …

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…Infantryman: A Possibility?" Military Review 9 Jan 2003. 15 Sept 2003 <>. Jacinto, Leela. "The Cost of Women in Combat." ABC News.Com 2003. 15 Sept 2003 <>. O'Beirne, Kate. "An Army of Jessicas." National Review 19 May 2003: 40 "Women Where There!" Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. 2003. Military Women Veterans Yesterday Today Tomorrow. September15, 2003. <>