The Promise of Schooling : Paul Axelrod review

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
In his writing, Paul Axelrod is an expert at interweaving fact with theory. In The Promise of Schooling, Axelrod's views can be clearly seen, but are crafted in such a way that they do not seem predominant. The inferences he draws out of the facts, and the conclusions that were made, were clear and precise because of his excellent descriptive ability. Axelrod's goal in this paper is to draw out the fundamental reason of why …

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…piece of literature, which envelops all of the major and minor events that Axelrod deemed noteworthy. Axelrod refrains from over-analyzing the facts and data, while he guides the reader throughout the vast amount and intensity of information he has gathered over the prior twenty years. The result of his findings is a complete historical view on the time period that affected schooling in Canada the most, and because of this, today affects me, the student.