The Progressive Movement Was a Liberal Triumph

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Progressive Movement: "The Progressive movement of 1900 to 1917 was a triumph of conservatism rather than a victory for liberalism." I disagree with this statement. The basic philosophy of "conservatism" is that change is bad. The basic "historian" definition of progressivism is: a movement for social change and improvement. For this reason, it is accurate to say that this era was a triumph of liberalism. The Progressive movement was a time of extreme changes where, social, urban, …

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…reform, the Federal Reserve act was passed and later established the FTC. Incredible advancements in efficient government were made through economic reform. These advancements would carry into the depression, and years to come. The Progressive Movement was a triumphantly liberal period of radical change in American culture. All of society was influenced through basic reforms including social, urban, and economic. The changes made during this period helped America get through tough times in the future.