The Progressive Era

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Essay Database > History
The Progressive Era was a period of time when mass groups of people pushed for major changes. Some became successful while others weren't. Many different approaches were used to try and change four areas. They were protecting social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform, and fostering efficiency. The Progressives believed in four major principles which are demonstrated in the actions they took to support them. One objective the Progressives enforced was protecting social welfare, …

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…s a well-met goal for the Progressives. In summary, it can be stated that the Progressive Era brought many changes into our generation. Even though quite a few of these actions happened in the 1900's they still affect us today in 2001. The Pure Food and Drug Act, the YMCA, and others still exist today with few revisions. The Progressives had four main principles which they believed in and even today they continue to influence us.