The Profound Discovery - We were to pick a decade and write from a teenager's POV who is dealing with homosexuality, and what information would be available to him or her at that time.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Authors Note: - The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge was formed in 1645 when a number of people with scientific interests held meetings at Gresham College, London. Members included such persons of statue like John Wilkins, Robert Hooke, Christopher Wren, and Isaac Newton. The Royal Society is still located in London with more than a thousand active fellows. - References to all tombs and architecture in London are factual. - This story takes …

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…lesbian or bisexual. First they had to understand the history of sexuality, then they have to realize that being gay is not as bad as society makes it out to be, and all they have to do is voice their opinions... because where one person speaks up, there are ten more who think the same thing, but never would have said anything until you came along. All my sources came from the Columbia Reader 2001 Edition.